This time round, I decided to make an effort to be more prepared for the molting season. I asked my friend Tim, what should I use and he suggested a slicker brush. Uh, I was like, what is a slicker brush ah?, hahaha another terminology that baffled me. Haha, how embarrassing, I never even groom Lux baby to be honest. And I dunno how do you actually groom your bun, cause all this while, I thought Lux baby's fur was nice looking, how silly, LOL. I went to Pet Lover at Sunway Pyramid last Sunday and decided to invest in a slicker brush. Here you go, that's how it looks like.
I bought the brush and went home. Was so eager to start my grooming or brushing session with Lux. It was still bright in the afternoon, say around 3pm+ and Lux was in her usual sleepy mode at that time. I went to her with the brush and started brushing her. Oh dear, she was mad at me. In her half awake look, she thumped her foot in protest, like saying, "Mum, do you mind, it's my nap time now!! Stop messing my fur". I was like "oops, sorry baby, got you at the wrong time".
I delayed my attempt till evening after her meals and started working on her with the brush. This time she just lied quietly and let me do the job. Got lots of fur brushed out. Been doing this for a few days, to prevent her from eating too much of her own fur which can be fatal. Here's her look after lots of brushing. Looks messy still. Anyway, you'll have nice new fur when all this is over :)
haha, my buns feel annoy as well when i try to brush and comb them.......actually those matted fur can be easily pluck out, u might want to try it out one day...
Yeah, using the hand to pluck it off is faster, but the fur flies all over the place :P But when i use the hand to pluck, she doesn't seem to mind at all :)
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