It's about a year since I tendered by resignation to leave APIS and rejoined in July this year. What a turbulent year it has been. It all started with me feeling bored as there was no projects for more than a year. The thought of venturing out and trying new stuff drove me to look for a new job. The job just came quite fast. I still dunno why I took all the trouble to secure this job. It was not that easy actually. First, I had to go through an interview followed by an exam to develop a sample application. And I passed and was offered the job immediately. Actually I still think I did a rash decision to take up that position. The package was rather attractive. Because of that, I may have lost my bearing. Moreover, the head hunter was also rather impatient, she wanted the deal fast, only gave me 2 days to decide whether to take up the offer or not. I felt a bit "cheated" from this aspect. So off to KLCC. It was a real nightmare for me. I had to wake up so early in the morning and leave home by 7 am. A big difference from the usual time I need to wake up for work. Driving to the LRT also takes around 40 minutes if the traffic is ok. The next big challenge was fighting for a place in the LRT. It is really packed early in the morning. I felt like I was going for war. By the time I reach the office, I am already a bit worn out. Going home proofs to be another challenge. The LRT at KLCC is packed again and the drive back from the LRT station to home is jam jam jam all the way. All in all, so much precious time is spent on travelling back and forth to work. After a few days there, I began to ponder, is this what I want?? After working there for about 2 weeks, I decided enough was enough and I left without a job :(
The next few months proved to be some challenge looking for another job. I did get a few offers, but this time, I was really cautious on what I am going to get myself into. After about 5 months being a housewife, I took up the offer from a local vendor based company. I was based at Putrajaya, working on a government project at the PM's department. Working there was another big nightmare. Don't want to elaborate too much on that.
My rescue came, when my ex-boss from APIS asked me whether I'll be interested to come back. Without hesitation, I took the offer to leave the current hell hole I was in.
Actually looking back the time when I was a temporary housewife, it didn't seem so bad. Doing all the housework, getting afternoon naps, monitoring stocks and occasionally cook. But the bad part is, you have less social life and can't simply spend money as you wish compared to when you are working.
A Day in the Life of Chuck and Matilda
1 week ago
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