I have read on how to trim buns nails but never had the guts to do it myself. All this while, I got the vet to trim Lux's long nails. The vet actually recommended me to get one of the nail cutters for cats will do the job. I could still remember the last trip to the vet, where I got the vet to trim her nails, Lux was really annoyed with the vet hahaha... 
The manicure tool, it's a pity they don't have specially just for buns ...I was feeling very stressed out studying for my exams last week, and decided to take some time off to play with Lux. I got her into a relaxed mode, and that's when the thought of trimming her nails came into my mind cause I noticed she was starting to have the habit of keep biting her nails again (I guess annoyed with the long claws). I checked her nails, the ones at the front paws seems to be quite long. Slowly, I inspected her nails and talked softly to her (not sure whether she understood what I was trying to tell her :P), and trimmed them a little. Surprisingly, she did not struggle and just let me do the job. What a good girl, Lux baby :) I guess she trust mummy to trim her nails now.
Congratulations Julie ! until now, i still dare not try to trim my buns' nail, what a useless mum :p
hehe, thanks, but i was really nervous doing it. I had to make sure both of us were in a comfortable position. I did try to do it again few days ago, but she didn't seem too confident on me. So ended up only trimming one of the toes slightly.
Another informative post. This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to several more times this year!
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