Monday, April 27, 2009

Deep Fried Cuttlefish Rings

As promised the next recipe. After the nice dinner on Good Friday, we decided to try another recipe the following day. This recipe is quite easy to follow, only that you have to be more generous with the corn flour to get a nicer looking end results :) Based on the 1st recipe attempt on the pork ribs where we practically emptied the whole bottle of corn flour, I was more cautious this time on the usage of flour to prevent wastage.

500g fresh cuttlefish, cut into rings (here we got 2 large cuttlefish from Jusco)
500 ml oil for deep-frying
300g corn flour (that's a lot, about 1 box of corn flour, nah, i used much less than that)

To marinade - 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 egg white, 1 tbsp curry powder, a dahs of 5 spice powder and 1 tbsp plain flour

1. Marinade the cuttle fish with the marinade ingredients. Recipe says 3o minutes, but I had it for about 2 hours and left it in the fridge.
2. Coat with corn flour (this is the part you have to be more generous on the corn flour) and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.
3. Dish up.

End results...

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